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Cupcake Trees - Thanks Mom!

Cupcake Trees are in a word: Brilliant!

I'm a big fan of cupcakes in general (LOL) and so asked for them when my birthday came around. I underestimated the impact of that request.

My kids are both fairly little still - and both are in a phase where they want to be just like mom. SO my Son, who celebrated his 5th birthday yesterday asked for cupcakes.
Of course!

He put his own spin on them. They had to be black - because black is 'cool'. In Mom-eese that means very dark chocolate with chocolate icing and Voila!

Add the Cupcake tree, gifted to me by my Mom (at the time I had NO idea when it would ever see use) and it's a great centerpiece and perfect for birthday parties!

Now she want to bring another, because two is always better than one....


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