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The Truth about Cupcakes

In all likelihood, this truth would never have been discovered, except for the extreme good fortune that the 2Chicks are in pursuit of the World's (or Seattle's) Best Cupcake!

SO... ya know... I've tasted a few 'cakes.

In honor of the whole thing, the hubby of the Birthday chick got busy in the kitchen and whipped me up some cupcakes for my birthday. Done up right too - he assembled them on a pretty nifty cupcake tree, candle on top... songs were sung, etc.

HOWEVER; The hub was a wee bit short on the icing. It was there and on the top (rather than elsewhere?) but he just doesn't get it.

The TRUTH about cupcakes is that they are like cake with double helpings of ICING. See picture above - I remedied the situation :)



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